We love you and we are glad that you are choosing to go on. Today is a new day and you have glimpsed at how you can go deeper into your life, and sustain a new consciousness in all that you do.
You are ready to shift your focus in your office from the wealth corner to health, and this has you a bit daunted. You know that at times you neglect your health, and do not do even basic things in the way of diet and exercise. So the challenge is to elevate your thoughts about all this, and to inspire yourself to become healthier and stronger.
Last night you started to glimpse the idea of selling your writing. You have never really thought of it as a way of paying the bills. You have no idea how to sell it. This is also an area we can help with.
Showing up to write every day is more than half the battle. Reaching deep into your thoughts and emotions is another big part. Be patient, and watch the changes unfold.
Your Angels.
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